
Les herbes fraîches

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dignissim, sapien a egestas pellentesque, urna diam dapibus nisi, at vulputate augue leo at neque. Nunc pulvinar dolor ac dolor blandit, ac laoreet dolor auctor. Donec in erat nunc. Proin vel lorem dictum, congue velit sit amet, consectetur ipsum. Sed tristique fermentum est, ac consectetur nisl fringilla vitae.
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Curly Parsley

Originally from southern Europe, parsley has long been used for its medicinal properties. It was only in the Middle Ages that it became used as a herb. With a warm and herbaceous aroma, curly parsley subtly enhances cold dishes because, unlike flat-leaf parsley, it cannot endure heat. Parsley is one of the most consumed aromatic plants in cooking and is also widely used to decorate dishes; it brings a hint of freshness as well as a certain aesthetic touch.

A warm and herbaceous aroma

Add at the end of cooking.

Bring a touch of green to your dishes!

Ideal for a good persillade sauce!



Chef's pack



Resealable package



80g packet



Fresh bunch